Responsive Websites

Responsive Websites

Responsive Websites Designed for Desktops, Tablets and Mobiles

Since the dawn of the Apple iPhone in 2007, mobile phones and tablets have been used more and more to browse the internet and now account for more than half of all internet traffic.

This has had a massive impact on the way websites are designed, built and programmed. Prior to the advent of mobile browsing, there was only a handful of screen sizes to take into account when designing a website. Now your visitors may be browsing on anything from a 320 pixel wide mobile screen to a huge 4K (3,840 pixel wide) monitor. Luckily there is a way to overcome this in the guise of responsive design.

Responsive design websites are able to fluidly adapt their layout according to the width of the available screen. As you can see from the video on the right of the Dolly Fox website, the website responds to the change in screen width and adapts to the best display for that width, ensuring the website is displayed at its best no matter what screen size your visitor has.

Not only do we build all websites commissioned with a responsive design, but we also take care to ensure the Content Management System bundled with all websites is also responsive. This means you can manage your website with nothing more than your phone or tablet ensuring booth you and your visitors enjoy the best experience.

Want to know more? Why not get a Free Quote or Contact us for more information.

Examples of our Responsive Websites

All websites below have been designed with a responsive design or mobile template

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